

Sunday schools are founded in order to educate the and to be a pathway to reach the true teachings of the gospel. Our main purpose of our Sunday school is no different than the rest. We focus on giving our children the weapons to fight the materialistic world they are living with. As EOTC children, they face difficulties when they try to fit in with the rest of the world. Building a sense of confidence in which they are able to reflect the church where ever they go. “Let the children come to me, so not to hinder them; for to such belongs the Kingdom of God. Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the Kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.” Mark 10: 14-15

Christian education is a permanent challenge to the work of the Church. Not only did our Lord and Savior continuously teach the word of God during His early mission, but the Church as well from the earliest times looked upon Christian education as one of its essential ministries. As the first Christians joined the Church “they devoted themselves to the apostle’s teaching and fellowship to the breaking of bread and the prayers.” Acts 2:42 The greatest gift, the most precious inheritance that we have to give to our children is our Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahdo Faith. Jesus makes it clear that He wants children to come to know Him, and the He considers it a grave offence for an adult to hinder this process or lead child astray: “whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened round his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.” Matt 18:6

The Central aim of Christian education in our Church is to evoke and nurture faith in Jesus Christ according to the Orthodox (vision) out of which issues a genuine Orthodox way of life. The Church nurtures a living awareness of the risen Christ in our midst, who is the true Celebrant of Sacraments and the true Teacher of His people and makes Himself known to use by the grace of the Holy Spirit. The whole range of Orthodox educational material- books, filmstrips, visuals, Bible Studies, lives of saints contemporary discussion of Christian values- becomes effective to the degree that communicates the love and sprit of Christ. The focus of our efforts to educate our beloved children in the Orthodox Christian Faith must remain in our Sunday School program. When we bring our children regularly to Sunday School, we provide them with a gift of knowledge that has lifelong value and significance.